Serenity Wellness
Serenity Wellness
Regina, Saskatchewan
Regina, Saskatchewan
​ The Fancy Dancy Fitness Class - All Levels
New class date to be announced! Please contact Darla if you want to attend! ;-) 2020
5:30 to 6:40 pm
5 sessions for $55
Instructor: Darla
This is the time to get out of our heads and simply enjoy the way our bodies move in a continuous flow of dance. As a certified Bellyfit instructor several of our classes will draw from that format. The remaining will be Tribal "power" style. Bonus you will learn some great belly dance moves. We will be working with resistance bands and enjoying luscious stretches. Therefore a yoga mat and a resistance band suitable to your strength level are needed.
Registration deadline is September 5/19. Register in advance here and pay with options outlined prior to the first class. A minimum number of students are required for class to run; therefore registration in advance is a must. Thank you.